Where am I?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's the final countdown!:

So I'm getting better. The day off at White Sand Canoes was well worth it. This 40-something year old officer in the army, Tim, came in to canoe and then spent the night on the grounds as well. Now here's the interesting part. Because of a pinched ghost nerve somewhere in his back that the doctors couldn't figure out, he was nearly paralyzed a few months ago after getting back from Iraq. Boy is he a go getter! He's moving around and with Rhett (the owner of white sands who I completely misunderstood his name for a day and a half) challenging TIM and vise versa, it got pretty intense at times that night. Beer and proud men often don't mix but by the end if the night, the three of us were like long lost brothers. It was completely crazy and wonderful. The next day, the last day of White Sand being open for the season, I hung out until 11:30 after helping with a load of canoes to go out, even though I told Rhett I was getting out of the business. I was half tempted to stay another day because I felt so much at home. It was one of those things that if I was a day sooner or a day later it wouldn't have happened at all which seems to be the entirety of the story of this trip.
I headed out and at around 3, after eating some Mexican and doing some laundry, tried calling for the 3rd time in a few days for my next stop and still didn't have an answer and so I just stayed about 30 miles from White Sand. I ended up getting a call at around 5:30 that I was able to stay in Merryville but decided to just stay put having set up camp.
Now let me interrupt myself to explain what I absolutely hate about my trip since I've told of so many great things and I don't want to rob you of the experience. I hate the love bugs that have been following me for 4 days, they fly around connected to each other and are the most annoying things to hit you in the face a billion times in one day. I hate the condensation that causes my sleeping bag and everything in my tent to get wet at night. I hate the moldy smell that I discovered on my sleeping bag at 8pm tonight, causing me to have to ride to get a small box of detergent after dusk and then stay up past 10pm doing laundry. I hate that I've now been chased by dogs in every state outside of Ohio on this trip. I hate the looks that people give me and the lack of response to simple greetings during my day. And the one that takes the cake are the fire ants that seem to love me and get all over my feet everyday no matter where I am.
Now, I don't want to discourage you from doing this if you are reading these posts wanting to do the same kind of thing. This just comes with the happenings and trust me when I say that it is completely worth it at multiple times in just one day. Just like today when I spoke with a man having just entered my final state, in some po-dunk town in the middle of nowhere. This man spoke to me for an hour and a half about his journeys, his music, the time he hitch hiked 250 miles to buy a horse and then after about a dozen attempts at breaking him in, rode him 500 miles south over the period of a few months and told me of how just 4 months prior, when he was driving a log truck, hit wrecked because of a strap snapping, throwing the weight all to one side. Some of the trees broke through the cockpit of the truck and nearly completely severed his right arm off at his bicep but how because of a 2 inch long piece of skin, they were able to sew it back on.
These are the stories that make this trip completely worth it along with the many sites, sounds and experiences along the way.
I got to Texas today and after 80 miles of wind blowing me all about, I made it to my camping spot and feel completely satisfied in today, despite being honked at and yelled at more than in any state prior. It makes sense that Texas has signs reminding them to drive with friendliness because its often forgotten. One plus is that there are plenty of share the road signs but they all have pictures of motorcycles. :)
It's a start I guess. 
I'm feeling loads better, still pretty stuffed up and coughing a bit but I'm doing quite well. Thanks for your concerns and calls and I can't wait to see you all soon. Just a few days left but I still hope to catch ya on the road.

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