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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dogs, cold, wind and hills

A perfect couple of days. I tried posting from my phone and it seems to be having trouble with anything "blogger" related. This poses a problem, I would be on tumblr instead but I can't show my google latitude on there, aka the map of where I'm at. Either way, because of how cold it has been and the roughly 3 hours of sleep I got last night, I decided to ride 15 miles past where I was originally going to stop and stay in a hotel. Considering it's supposed to get pretty cold and rain through the evening, I consider this a wise decision. Especially since I have been feeling a cold coming along. So, here I am, in a hotel, catching you up on the last couple of days.

In Madison, IN I left thinking it was going to be a perfect day of riding. It was colder than it had been, but it seemed fine. I was wrong. I used almost my entire can of sabre mace on dogs, almost got bit a few times but with the drop in temperature, the dogs of southern Indiana had more energy than ever. I rode all day and ended up in Corydon only to call and be told that I missed my ws spot (warm showers) by around 7 miles back up through the hills. In case you didn't know, btw, southern Indiana has a very similar layout as Northern Kentucky, hills, hills and more hills. I got some delicious Mexican food, headed back to the house, being greeted by Sadie, an awesome german shepherd. Kind of restored my faith in mans best friend. I hung out with the ws host, and then went to bed in the back yard. 89 miles done.

Woke up today and had a cup of coffee with some oatmeal and then headed out. I stopped by walmart in Corydon only to find out that, although carrying ammunition, they didn't have any mace for the dogs. That didn't really seem like that big of a problem today. The dogs chased me sure but I just talked to them and they eventually stopped chasing me. I would speak to them in baby voices, southern peoples talk, like a good ol' English chap and it ended up being fun. Even with the big dogs I don't seem to be as freaked out by the gnawing of teeth that occurs with loud, mean barking. Rode through some hills, and wind today. Gotta love the wind that comes after a good tropical storm. Originally was going to stop in Hawesville and camp out there but I'm glad I didn't. Did 91 miles and these past two days have felt worse than TOSRV (The Tour of the Ohio Scioto River Valley-www.tosrv.org-) last year. I guess that makes sense since you don't hit any real hills during TOSRV. I used to think you did. Heck, I had to walk up a couple of those 'hills' a couple of years ago after only riding up half way. Now I know what real hills are. In the last 4 days, I have climbed close to 20,000 feet of hills. Now, mind you I got to go back down but I'm glad that I have only a 60 mile, nearly hill free day tomorrow.
I hope that my blogger will work soon and I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to attach as I'm using the hotels computer but I will try and upload more pictures soon. Other than that, watch the map and I'll catch ya on the road soon. :)

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